Personal risk insurance

You have insurance for your house.
You have insurance for your car.
You have insurance for your baggage when you travel.
What about insurance for your most important asset: you?


What is personal
risk insurance?

Personal risk insurances offer a monetary benefit in the event of an individual suffering a serious injury or illness, or death for the individual and their dependants.

One of the questions we are most commonly asked in relation to personal risk insurance is “Why do I need it?” Well we don’t hesitate to insure our car, our homes, our contents so why hesitate insuring your biggest asset – your ability to generate your income !!

Types of cover

Personal risk insurance can be categorised into the following areas:

Why do you need personal risk insurance

Having personal risk insurance can provide financial protection for you and your family’s personal needs. It can be structured to provide for many things including protection against the loss of income, repayment of debts upon death or disability and as we mentioned above protection against the loss of income.

Your iProsper financial planner will review your personal circumstances and advise you on the amount and type of personal risk insurance that will best suit your needs. We will review any current insurance policy and assess whether or not they still meet your needs.


Our process

Our process is digitally driven, which means as long as you have an internet connection, we are able to connect with you anywhere in Australia

Let us do all the legwork

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